Average fat percentage for males
20-39 years 8-19%
40-59 years 11-21%
60+ years 13-24%
this body fat percentage calculator will help you to determine the fat percentage in your body but this calculator will give you a rough estimation of your body fat percentage and not the exact results. To get an accurate results you should use complex and expensive medical instruments. if you can't afford these instruments you can use fairly accurate and less expensive instruments like bioelectrical impedance smart scales and DXA.
Measurement needed to calculate body fat percentage
your height
:-you will take a measurement of your height by using a tape measurements with bare foots and the measurement should be by inches.your waist
:-you will take a measurement of your waist which is between your hip and your belly button and the measurement should be using an inch tape measurement, when taking the measurements you should not suck your belly.your neck
:-you will take a measurement of your neck right under the Adams apple and you should not flex your throat during the time of the measurement.it is better to take measurements on the morning before eating your meal or drinking anything. Because the amount of water in your body and the food you eat can change the result of the measurements.
Insert all measurement you take into the calculator and it will give you your body fat percentage results.
body fat percentage calculator
If you are female you can use this body fat calculator
formula to calculate your body fat percentage
the calculator will give you the results based on the us navy body fat calculation method which is better than most formulas you can find. This formula is mostly used for people who enter the us navy. if you want to calculate your body fat percentage by your self here is the formula.
86.0*log10(abdomen circumference-neck circumference)-70.41*log10(height)+36.76