Lots of people mainly men want to get large chest, abs and arms but they ignore their back. Because of the attention to only front visual part. Building your back will help your shoulder look broader and wider. Having a stronger back will also help you improve in some types of exercises like bench press and pushups.

best exercises to build your back muscles

Barbell Rows

Perform barbell rows

Barbell Rows are one of the best exercise that will help you build your back muscle. With rows you don’t only build your back you also gain a stronger grip and bigger forearms. Barbell rows are done by bending your self from your waist and grabbing the barbell with your fist then you will pull the barbell up without moving your self. One rep is counted when you pull the barbell up and get back to the neutral position.

Pull up

Perform pull ups

Pull up is one of the best body weight back workout. This exercise activates your lats, biceps, traps and other minor muscles. Pull up is done by hanging on a bar and your full body on air. Then one reps is counted when you pass your chins up above the bar and back to your starting position. Swinging your leg or unfinished rep are not useful and will not help you build your muscles.

Lats pull down

Perform Lats pull down

Lats pull down is a great alternative for pull-ups. Lats pull down is also good for people who can't do pull-ups. Lats pull down hits your upper back, biceps and core. Lats pull down is performed by pulling lats pull down machine, it is recommended to pull down the weight by sitting on bench for your bodyweight to not help you pull the weight.


Perform deadlift

Dead-lift is one of the best exercise to build your back. Dead-lift is also a great exercise to increase your neuromuscular efficiency which is the main reason that make popular among power-lifters. This exercise targets mainly your lower back and other secondary muscles like hamstring, trapezius, lats, gluteus maximus …etc. Deadlift is also a great exercise to increase your anabolic hormones. Deadlift is performed by lower your body from your waist then raising the barbell/dumbbell till you are straight up.

Band pull apart

Perform band pull apart

This exercise is performed using resistance band. Band pull apart is a great exercise to your back muscle. Band pull apart target you upper back and shoulder. This exercise is done by grabbing the band with your both arm straight to front then pull them apart until your arms are straight to the side. But performing this exercises by bending your elbow or other types of improper form your gain could be slower or even you could target different body part exercises. You can get resistance band here for your exercise.

These were the best exercises to build your back. But doing these exercises with improper form could lead to injury and slower gains. Also performing the exercises very fast is no ideal to build muscle, you should perform them slowly and engaged to build your muscles.