Hello today our article will cover on the time it will take to build muscle for male and female and how to increase the speed you will build muscle so stay with us until the end, if you want to get the latest post from us subscribe to us.
how much time it take to build muscle
When you want to build muscle the first thing that will come to your mind is the time that will take you to build it and the time that will take to build muscle will differ from person to person and there are many factors that affect the rate of building muscle the main factors are gender, age, genetics, hormone, the rate you exercise and diet. Males can have more than 75% faster growth than females because of the testosterone hormone which is found more in males. and people who are on the age from 17 years up to 30 years old will get the fastest growth than any other age range because the testosterone hormone which is the main hormone to build muscle will reach its peak at this age range. but it doesn’t mean that people out of this age range can’t build muscle but the rate of their muscle growth will be lower. Know let’s talk about the time it take to grow your muscle.
The table below will tell you a rough estimation for the time it will take you to build muscle but this table will not help you to know the exact results because there are many factors that we can’t determine, here is table.
| Male per month | Female per month |
12 years – 16 years | 0.25 pounds – 0.5 pounds | Less than 0.1 pound |
17 years – 30 years | 0.5 pounds – 2 pounds | 0.25 pounds – 0.5 pounds |
31 years – 55 years | 0.5 pounds – 1 pounds | 0.1 pounds – 0.25 pounds |
More than 56 years | 0.1 pounds – 0.25 pounds | Less than 0.1 pounds |
The above estimation tales the rate of muscle growth for average people in that age range and depending on their genetics and hormones it could exceed the muscle growth rate mentioned above and it could be hard for some people to reach it and this table is prepared for beginner body builder because when you become more advanced the rate will decrease but that table work only for natural body builders and not for people who use steroids and other drugs.
How to speed up the rate of muscle growth
As I told you before there are many factors that affect your muscle growth and some of them are under our control so know I will tell you some tips to speed up your muscle growth rate. To speed up the muscle growth rate we have to change many things on our life mainly we need to add some exercises to our work out routine and we have to change our diet if you are ready to do that here is the list.
Exercises that will speed up your muscle growth rate
To increase your muscle growth rate the main thing you should do is increasing your testosterone hormone and growth hormone which are the main hormone that will help you to build muscle and the top exercises that will increase these hormone are
Dead lift
Pull ups/chin ups
Bench press
Weighted push up
These are the best exercises to increase your anabolic hormones. because when you hit large and many group of muscles your anabolic hormones will respond to it more. so as you see the above list of exercises hit the largest muscles on your body and some of them hit many muscle groups. To get the most out of these exercises you should do them 3 sets of 4 – 6 reps.
Foods to increase testosterone
Best foods To increase your testosterone hormone are foods that are rich in zinc and vitamin d. because they are the materials used to produce testosterone and they will support the production of testosterone. Here are the foods that are rich in zinc and vitamin d.
- lean meat
- chicken
- yogurts
- nuts
- lentils
- legumes
- fish
getting moderate sunlight
These are the foods that are rich in zinc and vitamin d that will help you increase your testosterone. but choosing single type of food as a source of zinc and vitamin d will make you to have a nutrient deficient. so try to eat or 3 or more sources of these nutrients to get the other types of nutrients.
Other than the foods and exercises you can do other things to increase your testosterone hormone here is the list.
:-sleeping from 8 to 10 hours will be very good to help you increase testosterone and it doesn’t only increase testosterone it also help you to produce more growth hormone which will help you to repair the damage occurred on your muscle during exercise.2.
Decrease cortisol
:-cortisol is one of the hormones that oppose the testosterone hormone which means when the one goes up the other goes down. so to decrease cortisone you should minimize stress because the main reason for production of cortisol is stress. but it doesn’t mean cortisone is bad it is good in moderate amount but it is bad when it is excess.3.
Decrease fat
:-people who have a higher fat percentage will have a lower amount of testosterone. and people who have more belly fat will have a lower amount of growth hormone. Which will hinder growth of your muscle. so try to decrease your fat percentage but don’t lower it too much because it is useful in a little amount.
As you see we list the ways to increase your testosterone and I think you get something from this article so know if you are ready you can start new journey for building muscles more efficiently.
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