People have many reasons to lose weight. Some people want to get defined muscle and others want to have just attractive body. But everyone will not get the wanted result. Some people will not get the because of inappropriate exercise and others will not get the result because of inappropriate diet. So in this article we will cover about what type of exercise you should do and what kind of diet you should eat. Lets get started.
To lose weight you basically need to burn more calories than you eat. So you should stick to a low calorie and high protein diet. And you should perform exercises that will make your heart beat high to help you burn fat. When you burn calories you should be aware that you don’t only lose body fat you will also lose some muscle mass. But you can prevent losing lot of muscle mass by decreasing the calorie you burn in a day and by eating plenty of protein rich food and performing 30 minutes of strength training. The ideal calorie you should burn to lose weight is burning 300-600 calorie than you eat in a day. Because with this range you will lose mostly body fat than your muscle mass. But it depends on the persons weight, you can use this online calculator to calculate the calorie you need to burn fat in a day.
Cardio exercises to burn fat
To burn fat you should perform exercises that will burn high calorie. Here are the best exercises that will burn the most calorie.
: running is the best exercise that will help you burn body fat fast. Running can also increase your cardiovascular health. A person who weights 180 pounds can burn 114 calories by running for 10 minutes with 6 mile per hour speed(moderate jog). But some people are unable to run because running will add some pressure to your knees and ankle. So if you have a knee or ankle problem you can perform other alternative exercises.
Rope jumping
: rope jumping is a very great exercise to lose body fat. Rope jumping is as effective running to burn calorie. And this exercise is a great alternative for people who have knee and ankle problem because it don’t have high pressure on knees and ankles. Rope jumping burns almost the same calorie as running if you do them at 120 skip per minute speed. But this exercise is hard to do for a long time like running. So for this exercise to be effective you should perform them by between sets rather than doing them at once.
: bicycling is another great exercise that will help you burn calories fast. This exercise is great if you accumulate lot of fat on your belly. Bicycling will mostly target your abs and quads. According to harvard university, Bicycling burns for 160 pound person, 70 calories per 10 minutes of ride at speed of 12-14 miles per hour. To burn more calories from this exercise, riding bike faster and adding weight to the bike will help you burn calories more faster.
: swimming is also a great exercise to burn calories if you have access to swimming pool. Rope jumping can also help you keep the health of your shoulder joint. Swimming can burn 70 calorie per 10 minute at moderate speed for 160 pound person. By swimming faster you can burn more calories. In addition to that swimming in a cooler pool will help you burn a lot more calorie than swimming in a warm water because in cool water your body will burn calories to regulate and warm your body.
These were the top cardio exercises that burn fat the most. And in addition to these exercises performing resistance training can help you increase your rest metabolic rate which will help you burn fat in the long term and also prevents lose of muscle mass. Here are some of them.
These were the common resistance exercises that will help you maintain muscle and boost your metabolism. But be careful when doing these exercise, you should perform these exercises with light weight and proper form or else it will lead you to a long term injury.
But without a proper diet just exercising will not help you to lose weight. And without calorie deficit you will not get any result so to be in a calorie deficit you should eat low calorie food and protein rich food can help you boost metabolism and build the muscle you lost during exercise. Here are the foods that are low in calorie with a good amount of protein.
Foods to lose weight
: chicken is one of the best protein rich foods without any fat. It is the best source of protein to lose weight because it have only little calories from fat and carbohydrate.
Lean meat
: lean meat is another nutrition rich food that have high protein with low saturated fat. Lean meat also have little calorie from carbs.
Sea foods
: sea foods are one of the best protein rich food and with healthy fat. It contains lots of nutrients. sea foods contain some amount of fat but they are healthy.
Whole grains
: whole grains are a nutrient dense food with complex carbs and from little to no fat. Whole grains have a moderate amount of protein with healthy carbs.
Nuts and bean
: nuts and beans are also a good source of protein but depending on the type of nut and bean you eat some of them could contain a little of saturated fat. so limit your intake of nuts and beans but you should not avoid them completely because they are nutrient loaded.
For even faster results you can use these tips that will be listed below.
Don’t cut calories too much
: cutting lots of calories will slow down your results because your body will decrease rest metabolic rate. And if you cut to much calorie your body will not have sufficient calorie to do basic function which will put you in risk. Cutting 300 to 600 calories a day is ideal and will have low risk.
Perform resistance training
: resistance training can help you burn calorie by boosting your rest metabolic rate for about 24 hours and it will also help you maintain the muscle you lost during cardio exercises.